At Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP, we guide our clients through the difficult and challenging process of legal separation.
We provide knowledgeable legal advice to wives, husbands, and married and unmarried parents. Our family law attorneys handle divorce, child custody law, child support, as well as the myriad of other separation matters, such as property valuation, asset distribution, the effects of past and future family law matters on your estate planning picture, and the effects of separation on present and future business endeavors.
Because our firm encompasses many different areas of practice, Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP has the experience and knowledge to aggressively pursue any course of action that would be best for our clients. In addition to experienced attorneys in the fields of domestic relations, divorce, and child support/visitation, Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP has experience with Real Estate law, small business valuation claims, and Estate Planning, meaning that your concerns can be comprehensively addressed by one firm.
If you are considering filing for divorce, and/or your spouse has initiated divorce proceedings, you will face numerous decisions, many of which may have long lasting legal ramifications. If you want to improve your chances of controlling the future of your private and family life, retain an attorney early in the process.
Division of Property
Maryland is an equitable distribution state and as such, the courts will disregard how property is titled and will characterize property as either marital or non-marital. Generally, each partner will keep his/her non-marital property and equitably divide the marital property. Determinations as to whether property is marital or non-marital can be hotly contested and highly complex. Because of this, it is imperative that you seek legal advice early in the process.