
Defending Your Criminal Case

WE WILL PROTECT YOU – Call Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP. for assistance – (410) 787-1123

Criminal charges and accusations should be taken very seriously, regardless of your innocence. The consequences of losing the legal battle could mean your freedom or worse.  In order to effectively defend yourself in these situations you need the assistance of an experienced attorney that will aggressively stand up for your rights. Our staff at Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP has significant experience defending the rights of individuals arrested and accused of criminal offenses.

If you have been arrested or are facing a criminal charge it is important that you retain a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. The attorneys at Roper & DiBlasio, LLP will work hard from the very beginning of your case to avoid any additional consequences and strive to minimize punishments imposed. Do not rely solely on advice from a prosecutor or law enforcement official. They do not have your best interests in mind. Our firm is dedicated to protecting you.

Our experienced attorneys start with a thorough review of the law and an honest opinion on your chances in Court. The State’s Attorney has burden of producing evidence to prove your charges beyond a reasonable doubt.  The American justice system requires the state to carry this burden of proof and says that you are innocent until proven guilty. We investigate your case, talk to witnesses, obtain police reports and negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf.  You will get a top-notch defense, not just someone who takes your money and holds your hand while you plead guilty.  Our Maryland Criminal Defense lawyers practice in everything from serious felonies to misdemeanors and juvenile cases including the following types of cases:

  • All felonies & misdemeanors
  • CDS/drug possession
  • CDS/felony drug distribution
  • Sex Offenses
  • Rape
  • Traffic
  • Driving Revoked
  • Breaking & Entering
  • Fraud
  • Reckless Endangerment
  • Violation of Probation
  • Tax Evasion
  • Embezzlement
  • White Collar Crime
  • Child Internet Pornography
  • Sexual Assault
  • Kidnapping
  • Prostitution
  • Solicitation
  • Perverted Practice
  • Modification of Criminal Cases
  • Perjury
  • License Restoration
  • Parking Violations
  • Sex Abuse
  • Carjacking
  • Expungement
  • Shoplifting
  • Statutory Rape
  • Parole Issues & Violations
  • Endangering welfare of a child
  • 1st Degree Murder
  • 2nd Degree Murder
  • Driving Suspended
  • Theft Assault/Battery
  • Robbery
  • Larceny
  • Quash Warrants
  • Out of State Extradition
  • Fire Arms
  • Weapons/handguns/knives
  • Stalking/Harassment
  • Domestic Violence
  • Identity Theft
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Child Abuse
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Manslaughter
  • Homicide
  • Burglary
  • Speeding Tickets
  • Juvenile Cases
  • Arson
  • Forgery
  • Narcotics
  • Blackmail
  • Conspiracy
  • Possession
  • Prison Issues
  • Sodomy
  • Underage Drinking
  • Ex Parte/ Protective Orders
  • Attempted 1st Degree Murder
  • Attempted 2nd Degree Murder

Your Constitutional Rights

Remember at the beginning of any criminal case you have the absolute right to an attorney whether the attorney is appointed as a public defender or you hired an experienced law firm such as Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP to represent you. It is your choice but be aware that the law contains an infinite number of loop holes. You have certain Constitutional rights that must be looked at immediately to determine what direction you will be proceeding in regarding your case.

Some Constitutional rights include, 1) right to a lawyer, 2) right to testify on your own behalf, 3) right to cross examine and confront witnesses, 4) right to remain silent, 5) right to a speedy trial, 6) right to use Courts process of service to compel, 7) right to a jury trial and/or judge trial. Remember, You have the absolute presumption of innocence.

Felony vs. Misdemeanor

A felony conviction is a serious matter that can result in one year or more in State prison and the potential loss of certain privileges and Constitutional rights of U.S. citizenship, such as the right to possess a firearm or the right to vote. Felony cases are typically tried initially in Circuit Court of Maryland in the county where the crime allegedly took place. Felony Crimes involve drug and narcotics charges, arson, burglary, armed robbery, murder and/or attempted murder, rape and/or sexual assault, kidnapping and aggravated assault and battery, white collar crimes, and other serious crimes.

Misdemeanors are less serious than felonies.  Misdemeanors typically result in imposition of such punishments as a fine or a jail sentence not exceeding a year.  If a jail sentence is imposed, it is served in a Maryland county or city jail rather than the State or Federal prison. Misdemeanor cases are typically tried initially in District Court of Maryland in the county where the crime allegedly took place.

What are the potential outcomes?

First and foremost, our goal and desired outcome in every criminal and traffic case is that you are found NOT GUILTY at trial.

One common form of disposition in a criminal case is that the charge(s) are entered nolle prosequi, or nolle pros, for short, which means, “not to prosecute the charges.”  Another disposition is a stet, which means to “stay.” When the State’s Attorney enters a nolle pros, in effect the charges have been dropped and you will likely be eligible to immediately expunge the case from your criminal record.  On the other hand, when the prosecutor enters a stet, the case is stayed and it is said to be placed on the inactive docket. Either the State or the defendant can request that the case be put back on the docket and be set for trial. After one year, the case can only be brought by a showing of “good cause.” The defendant will be requested to waive his right to a speedy trial in order for the State to enter a stet.

A third disposition is called “probation before judgment,” commonly called “PBJ”. That special procedure follows a trial or a plea of guilty and involves the judge striking the guilty finding and entering probation before judgment. A PBJ is not a criminal conviction on your record, and will likely be eligible to be expunged entirely from your criminal record in the future.  In traffic court, a PBJ results in the defendant receiving no points on his or her license. However, the judge may impose a fine or terms of probation. It will be up to the Judge whether the Probation is supervised or unsupervised by the Division of Parole and Probation.

Call Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP for assistance – (410) 787-1123

If you, or someone you know, has been arrested for any crime – you need to know that you have rights and that you should not delay in getting legal representation.  Regardless of the circumstances, do not assume all is lost.  Your case will require investigation.  Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP utilizes an extensive interview process designed to probe for potential defenses.

Contact Staiti & DiBlasio, LLP today to schedule your free initial consultation. Our experienced lawyers can help you in this time of need.

Please call 410-787-1123 today.